1) If you donate using Pledge, you can set the tip amount to $0 (small link on donation form) so you don’t have to add anything extra when paying by credit card! Pledge cover 100% of credit card fee up to $1000!
2) Effective 2/16/2024 and until further notice, 3% of all donations will be used to help cover Nodark Inc nonprofit operating expenses. Thank you for your understanding.
3) By Contributing to these Campaigns, the donor acknowledges that Nodark Inc has full authority to apply donations designated for these Campaigns to other purposes in the event the Campaign is canceled or oversubscribed.
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This is an Unrestricted fund Campaign; funds are agreed to be used across any active Nodark Inc Campaign and/or Administration purposes as needed.
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This is where you will find links to active campaigns….
AND….for the first 20 donations to any active campaign you will receive an authentic Kenyan-made keychain! See the various styles available below…..
Ricky’s Sports Ministry
Play it Forward! Partner With Ricky’s Kingdom Sports & Children’s Ministries!
This is a Restricted fund Campaign and all donations are directed strictly to supporting Ricky’s Sports Ministry
Upcoming Opportunity!
There will be a Back-to-School football (soccer) tournament in Kilifi, Kenya the last week of April for Under 14 boys and girls. This is a 3-day tournament that will be filled with football, music, sports, and mentorship. Books and the Gospel message will be given to all participants….will you please consider supporting Ricky in this great opportunity to reach the Kenyan youth? Please see the donation information below…THANK YOU!!
April 1, 2024:
Youth outreach for youth who wash cars and are involved in drugs and crime. Several gave their lives to the Lord (Amen!!) and the youth also received food packets….
March 2024 Updated Schedule of events:
Easter Cup: Outreach for youth in drugs and substance abuse. Theme is ‘Football and the Cross’. Every participant is to receive a Gospel booklet and a food packet to share the compassion of Jesus. Date is March 30.
Kingdom Kids: School outreach to close school. Theme is ‘Music, the Word and the Cross’. Each child to receive a Gospel book and show a Super Book show. Number of involved students is approx. 1,000. Date is March 28.
Back to School Football (soccer) Tournament: Consists of 10 to 12 teams of under 14 yrs. old boys and girls. This is a 3-day tournament. Music, sports and mentorship. Books and the Gospel to be given to each of the participants. Date is last week of April.
We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so we may present everyone perfect in Christ Col 1:28…Sports, Evangelism and Children..the NOW generation is what I am about. To see God known and make Him known.
As I write, another child got off roaming and loafing the street and neighborhood of a needy region and now is in school. Another Kingdom child added to the growing number now in school. Thanks be to God. On the field the grace which brings salvation is appearing to all men (children, boys, girls, youth and seniors) to the glory of God.
Seeing many come to the way, know the truth and enter into life eternal on the field continues to be the joy of my life. Training and equipping others on reaching this generation continues in various forums and platforms as I mentor and equip children and youth workers.
Man shall not live on bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God…Matt 4:4… Compassionate Evangelism is loving people and meeting their physical need, mostly food as I share the gospel in the community. I invite you to pray, support as we lovingly make God known and change lives.
#Kingdom Excellencies# Kingdom Love#Changing lives
Erick Kauna (Ricky)
Donate here for Play It Forward Ricky’s Sports Ministry!
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Brandon to Brazil
This is a Restricted fund Campaign and all donations are directed strictly to supporting Brandon to Brazil Ministry
Project on Hold!
Hello everyone! My name is Brandon Mullet. I grew up in the U.S.A. and at the age of 16 I felt
from the Lord to go into missions to the nations. Now I don’t know how long or where I’ll be
going but I would love to share with you my heart behind what I’m doing. During my sophomore
year of high school the Lord just showed up in an incredible way in my life that caused me to go
from knowing Him but not following Him to knowing Him and wanting to give Him all my life and
so that’s what started my journey of the Holy Spirit leading me to the missions field.
Fast forward a couple years from when He spoke to me about missions and the senior year of
high school I signed up for YWAM which is located in Hawaii. I left for school the summer after
my senior year and it changed my life. When I was there the Lord put on my heart Brazil and so
not knowing much to why He did put it into my heart I began seeking Him for why Brazil. I ended
up not going to Brazil for outreach but when I was in Guinea Bissau He showed me that there
was a school I would be going to there.
When in Africa while I was on the mission field I saw the
blind see and sick people being completely healed. Above all though I saw so many people give
their lives to Jesus and just saw the love of the Lord being poured out into the country of Guinea
Bissau. Also during this time the Lord was putting on my heart the necessity to have a solid
Biblical foundation. I saw that knowing the Bible was important when it came to preaching the
gospel and also making disciples throughout my time in Africa. With this on my mind I started
asking God where I should go next and He led me to a school in Contagem Brazil which
focuses on studying the Bible for 10 straight months.
This is where I am going to be going or I am already in(depending on when you are reading
this). But I feel that we as Christians should have a deep understanding of the Word of God so
that we are able to teach others who God is and to also apply what the Bible says into our life to
show people who Jesus is. So with this I would love for you to partner with me in any way
possible, that is by keeping me in your prayers and praying that the Lord just continues to show
me the path He has for me and that I just walk in His will , or by donating to me whatever you
feel led to give. Either of these are going to be a big help and blessing going forward.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I appreciate you for all you have done.
I also pray for you who are reading this that you get to see God work in mighty ways where you
are at not just having to hear about it but being able to see it too. I also pray that you are able to
be a light to the people around you and bring them to know Christ. Lastly, I just pray that the
Lord gets all the glory because He is the one who has saved us from our sins and because of
that we have been given new life through the blood of Christ. Blessings be to you and
remember to keep the Faith, brothers and sisters.
Donate Here for Brandon to Brazil!
Questions? email
Going With Mordecai and Family
This is a Restricted fund Campaign and all donations are directed strictly to supporting Going With Mordecai Ministry
Hi! My name is Mardoqueu but I also go by Mordecai. I’m from Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. I’m married to my wife, Emilly. Emilly is a Brazilian and we were married in 2022. We are a missionary couple with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). We are full-time missionaries, and we just came from Guinea-Bissau, where we ran Bible seminars using the inductive method of studying the Bible. We ran three seminars there, which was one of our main goals. Not just to give information to them but to form their character, and to transform their lives through God’s word so they can know Him and be sanctified.
Now we are back in Brazil, where we are running a School of Biblical Studies (SBS) with YWAM. For the first time in our base, besides the academic work we do in school, we are also involved in evangelization in our neighborhood and city. We also have a ministry with the churches here in Brazil; we run Bible seminars for several weeks at night. During the weekends we go to the churches to challenge them to be part of the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We also give training on how to evangelize.
We are excited to share some opportunities with you where you can make a real difference! We are facing some challenges, but we believe with your support we can overcome them together.
We need to have a minimum amount of 1500R$ or equivalent of $300usd per month for our support needs. We are struggling to maintain consistent support, and we would love your help.
Additionally, a reliable car would be a huge blessing for our ministry. If you are able to support us with this financially or know someone who can help with a car, we would be eternally grateful.
Thank you to those who have been a part of our journey, your love and support mean so much to us. We would like to invite you to pray about giving more consistently if you already giving or join us in this mission if you are not yet part of it. Thank you for considering a donation to our ministry! Any amount, whether a one-time gift or a monthly blessing is greatly appreciated. The different ways to give are here below.
Thank you! Through your donation and prayers, you are part of our ministry, part of what God has been doing and will continue to do through our lives, and in our lives. God bless you!
Mordecai and Emilly,
‘Committed to knowing the Lord, His holiness and making Him Known, to let a people be prepared for Him.’
God bless you!
Donate Here for Going with Mordecai!:
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